Thursday, January 11, 2007

An update

I haven't posted anything worthwhile lately because I've been completely freaking out. I am going back to NYC on Saturday. For two weeks. It's to do with the company I was supposed to have a job interview with back in November (you can read about that disaster here). I don't want to say too much on here so as to jinx everything but there's great potential here and it could finally lead me back to NYC on a more permanent basis.

So suffice it to say my blogging will be a titch erratic over the next two weeks. I won't have my laptop with me and I'm going to be dividing the time I'm there amongst several friends and so I won't always have computer access.

In other news, I decided that in a bid to widen my musical tastes, I needed to download the Rolling Stone 100 Songs of 2006 list. Some I already knew and some won't download no matter what I do (or just download three minutes of static which is even more annoying) but I have over 80 of the tracks now and so I'm sure I'll do a proper update once I've listened to them all.

I decided to lighten my televisual load by ditching Housewives and ER. I realised I hadn't watched any of the previous seasons of either show so didn't really see the point. There are far too many other shows on and imminent for me to faff around with shows I'm no longer feeling the love for. Supernatural is now bumped to the 28th Jan which is perfect timing as it's the day I arrive back from NY. Not that my life revolves around TV or anything. Honest.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Smac! Jacques! Babycakes! Billy's! Can we please just eat our way through NYC while you're here? :-)