Tuesday, April 11, 2006

Well that didn't take long

I lost my temper with Mr Unable To Multitask today and in a very VERY controlled but clearly very angry way, told him that I thought what he was telling me was absolutely shite and if I responded to the complaint the way he wanted me to, the complainant (is that even a word?) would come back and within seconds to yell about how shabby our response was. He took it rather well, I must say. Did I mention that next week is his week to monitor the Case Management Worklist? I'm anticipating it with glee.


Michael said...

Complainant is also a word. There's this one issue of Action Comics where Batman is helping Superman, who is dying of kryptonite poisoning. In Batman's inner monologue, he refers to Superman as "complainant".

Popcultureboy said...

So I'm right AND wrong?

Grouchbutt said...

Complainant is the correct usage in this context. Sounds like next week is the week to check "commit credit card fraud in the UK" off my things-to-do list.

Popcultureboy said...

Yay, I'm right! And alas, I don't work in the credit card part of AmEx, or you'd be in luck.